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Police initially booked Morgenstern on child rape charges, but he posted a $100,000 bond. He was arrested on Wednesday, but this time on child pornography charges with a $250,000 bond and GPS monitoring even though prosecutors requested a $1 million bond, the Spokesman-Review reported Thursday. Dear dreaming715, I’m a gay male and like your boyfriend’s best friend I can also be very edgy with my straight friends, sometimes I cross the line and I don’t even need alcohol to get me in that state, but I recognise most of the behaviours you’ve described in myself. The neighbor says Morgenstern may be hiding missing evidence at his other property. The neighbor in Colbert also told the Daily News she and her husband already spoke to the police. The allegations have already spurred about a dozen of families to come forward to Stevens County with tips on Morgenstern. The bedding where the victim was allegedly raped was missing as well. KHQ-TV reports prosecutors at Morgenstern's Thursday court hearing alleged the former Naval officer had been producing child pornography since 2008 and there may be three additional victims in evidence discovered at his home.ĭespite the cache of evidence including guns, cameras, lubricant, bedding and hot chocolate mix seized from Morgenstern's home, investigators believe Morgenstern spent the hours between visits by the Sheriff's Office 'sabotaging' the investigation by throwing away evidence in dumpsters, KXLY-TV reported.

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